杭州蓝天锅炉制造有限公司坐落在杭州市江干区杭乔路21号,主要生产锅炉,锅炉辅机,热水机组,锅炉成套设备安装,非标压力容器,储气\储液容器,其它暖通设备工程,热泵热水机组,锅炉安装\保养,法人代表是章文达,法人代表是章文达,厂房面积是12000.00 平方米平方米,杭州蓝天锅炉制造有限公司座落于中国浙江省杭州市,创建于1980年,是专业的锅炉设备制造厂家,产品包括各类燃油、燃气、燃煤、电加热蒸汽和热水锅炉;燃烧木屑、稻壳、秸秆、成型木屑颗粒燃料等生物质燃料锅炉,发电机尾气余热锅炉,以及其它通用特种锅炉。
Hangzhou Blue Sky Boiler Manufacturing Co., Ltd., located in Hangzhou ,Zhejiang province, China, is specialized in producing various kinds of steam boilers and hot water boilers, which fuel could be oil, gas, coal, as well as electricity. And now the biomass fuel boilers are available, with the fuels such as wood barks, rice husk, wood pellet etc. For gas turbine exhausts, the HRSGs could recover the waste energy then transform it to steam or hot water. 公司持证允许生产锅炉的最高工作压力是2.5MPa,最高过热蒸汽温度是400℃,已经生产过的蒸汽锅炉最大出力为15 t/h。
Under the manufacture license approved and issued by the authority, the critical boiler parameters of our boilers are pressure of 2.5Mpa and superheat steam temperature of 400℃. 公司产品均通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证,燃机余热锅炉通过了CE认证,所有锅炉主机享有一年质保和提供终身维修服务。
Our company has essfully established and passed the ISO9001 quality insurance system, some of our HRSGs even been approved with CE certificate. All the boilers would be given one year quality assurance and whole life maintenance. 公司创建于1980年,隶属于中国铁道部上海铁路局,注册资金800万人民币,年产值2000-3000万人民币,产品出口东南亚、中东、非洲等多个国家地区。
Our company was established in 1980, belong to Shanghai Railway Bureau, with total register capital of 8,000,000 Chinese yuan and 20,000,000~30,000,000 Chinese yuan of product value. Our product have been exported to Southeast Asia , Middle East, Africa and Euro area. 公司诚征进出口贸易商、配套商开拓海外市场,长期寻求经销商、工程公司代理合作,欢迎广大同行企业垂询洽谈。