安富汽配有限公司位于中国 广东 广州 广州市 广州恒福路271号,主要经营范围是资料不详,年营业额是人民币50万元/年 - 100万元/年,广州安富汽配商行(是领有工商营业执照.经营多年的同名实体店,)本店位于全国著名的汽配批发市场--广州市的恒福路271上.专营南京IVECO.依维柯.都灵V.菲亚特.FIAT的派力奥.PALIO.西耶那.SIENA.周末风,英格尔ENCORE,优尼柯.新雅途等全车配件.品种齐全,质优价廉.也是无锡新雅途厂家正式指定的配件点。
买家可到无锡新雅途厂家的官方网站查看.ANFU AutoParts Company is situated at 271 Hengfu Road, Guangzhou, the renowned wholesale market of spare parts for vechicles in China. We specialized in the provision of spare parts for a wide variety of brands such as IVECO ,FIAT, Pailo, Siena, Weekender . Encore and Soyat. We offer China-made as well as imported and exported spare parts at a very competitive price. Customers and our counterparts are ed to contact us. We arrange shipment for overseas customers and provide free delivery service within Guangzhou. Both wholesale and retail customers are.