北京金海鑫龙建筑材料有限公司位于北京市平谷区北京市平谷区金海湖工业区政府后街211号,主要经营范围是防火板,玻镁板,氧化镁板,玻镁防火板,隔墙板,吸音板,穿孔吸音板,纸面氧化镁板,国际贸易,法人代表是诸葛月华,法人代表是诸葛月华,厂房面积是2000 平方米平方米,北京金海鑫龙建筑材料有限公司是北京地区专业生产玻镁防火板的生产厂家,公司引进全自动生产流水线,产品质量达到出口标准,.已出口韩国.东南亚..俄罗斯等欧盟国家,生产的“金海鑫龙”牌玻镁防火板.氧化镁防火板.品质高.信誉可靠,公司本着“诚信为本.质量取胜”用户至上的原则,为客户创造优质产品,树立环保理念.为人与自然的和谐作应有贡献. Beijing Xinlong Building Materials Co., Ltd. is Gimhae in Beijing specializing in the production of magnesium fire plate glass manufacturers, the company introduced fully automated production lines, the quality of products to export standards, the annual 5 million. Exported Korea. Southeast Asia. Africa. Russia the EU and other countries, production of \"Two Xinlong\" license plate glass magnesium fire. fire magnesium plate. through international quality certification, quality first. credible, the company in \"good faith-based. quality win\" principle of the supremacy of users , the creation of quality products to customers and establish environmental protection concepts. human harmony with nature for their due contributions. 我公司生产的\"金海鑫龙\"牌玻镁防火板,属新型绿色环保产品,可广泛用于写字楼、宾馆、酒店、商场地铁等公共场所的隔墙与吊顶,以及衬板防火门和外墙板,居家室内装修,户外广告牌,各种贴饰之基板等。