东莞市创盛塑胶五金制品厂位置于中国 广东 东莞 东莞市企石镇杨屋工业区,公司QQ2865588159,2528588663,长期经营压克力透明棒,亚克力透明棒,压克力水晶气泡棒,亚克力气泡棒,压克力线条棒,亚克力线条棒,PMMA汽泡棒,有机玻璃汽泡棒,,法人代表是肖石娣,法人代表是肖石娣,厂房面积是1000.00 平方米平方米,东莞市创盛有机玻璃制品厂成立于2009年,是一家专业生产有机玻璃(PMMA)棒材 、异型材、管材及其成品、半成品加工(成品、半成品加工有水晶圆球、水晶柜脚、水晶门拉手、水晶楼梯扶、水晶楼梯立柱、水晶茶几配件、水晶灯饰配件、水晶广告展示配件、水晶毛巾架、水晶衣帽架等)。
主要应用于灯饰、建筑、工艺、电器、家具、装饰等行业, 用作有机玻璃工艺礼品及壁灯、太阳能草坪灯、工艺毛刷、楼梯、展架等配件,我们的宗旨:以“质量”求生存,以“信誉”求发展,我们愿和广大灯饰厂、工艺厂、电器厂、家具厂等共同合作共创辉煌,欢迎惠顾!Dongguan Chuangsheng organic glass products factory was established in 2009, is a professional production of plexiglass ( PMMA ) bar, profile, pipe material and its finished products, semi-finished products processing ( finished products, semi-finished products processing has a crystal ball, crystal feet, crystal door handles, crystal stair lift, crystal staircase column, crystal table essories, crystal lighting essories, crystal essories, crystal display advertising towel rack, crystal coat racks etc. ). Mainly used in lighting, construction, technology, electrical appliances, furniture, decoration and other industries, used as an organic glass craft gifts and wall lamp, solar lawn lamp, craft brush, stairs, exhibition and other essories, our aim: \"quality of survival\", \"credibility and development\", we are willing and the vast majority of lighting factory, process plant, electrical plant, furniture factory to work together to create brilliant, ed patrons!