东莞市东铭五金塑胶制品有限公司处于中国 广东 东莞 东莞市 长安镇上沙第六工业区尚华工业园华强路,经营范围包含有机顶板盒,微波炉面板,学习机面板,数码机面板,音响面板, 东莞市东铭五金塑胶制品有限公司自2003年3月成立以来,本着"勇于创新、追求卓越"的经营宗旨和",以诚信 为本的理念为客户提供满意的产品和服务"的质量方针,健康、持续和快速发展,已成为技术工艺成熟、体系健全、客户满意度较高的企业。
(注:排名不分先后) 近些年来公司在业务与生产技术上致力于产品性能与表面美观设计处理转型升级、致力于提升产品质量和服务水平,东铭公司拥有一支专业水平高、经验丰富且在CNC面板雕刻领域领先的研发队伍,正是这支队伍在CNC面板雕刻领域已取得众多技术进步,继往开来,我们将通过近十年来在行业探索中所积累的经验,大规模投入所打造出的技术研发平台、规模化量产经验与能力及多项专利技术资源,秉承一贯务实的作风,本着"携手共赢"的合作理念,与有志于在产品外观创新领域有所作为的企业建立互信、长期、稳固、共赢的合作伙伴关系。
Dongming Hardware&Plastic Manufacture(DongGuan)Co.,Ltd since 2003March since its establishment, in the spirit of" innovation, the pursuit of excellence" business purposes and", in good faith-based philosophy to provide customers with satisfactory products and service" the quality policy, health, sustained and rapid development, has e a mature technology, system is sound, higher customer satisfaction in enterprises. ISO9001 certification enterprises, with a number of invention and patent of appearance design technology. Dong Ming is a company set research and development, production and sales of lens windows, decorative lenses and non-conductive mirror touch panel products of high-tech plastic ( PMMA / PC ) enterprise, company area of nearly more than two square meters, existing staff of more than two people, customers across the entire Pearl River Delta, has a good business reputation, have world class customer ( BBK, rambler, Galanz, beneficial, beautiful, good color, with the island, Changhong, wind etc.) recognition. ( Note: in no particular order ) In recent years the company in the business and production technology is committed to product performance and surface appearance design processing transformation and upgrading, to improve product quality and service level, East Ming company has a high level of professional, experienced and in the CNC panel carving leading R & D team, is the force in the CNC panel carving field has been obtained many technological advances, the future, we will be through nearly ten years in the industry to explore the experiences of large-scale investment, build a technology platform, large-scale production experience and ability and a number of patented technology resources, uphold pragmatic style, the spirit of " win-win " philosophy of cooperation, and interested in the the appearance of the product innovation in the field dosomethinpreviouslyunreleased enterprises to establish mutual trust, long-term, stable, win-win partnership