国内加工知名品牌有唯美度.香薰恋人....等, 国外客户有越南的宝龙, 台湾的HOLLYWOOD STAR 和 W+B...等等 各类保养品研发与制造 各类保养品专业代工制造(O.E.M) 各类保养品专业规划自创品牌(O.D.M) 各类保养品代工充填包装 面膜批发供应 GOMITAN skin care & cosmetics company set up in 1999 with development, manufacture, OEM and ODM of related products. The founder decided to invest on the cosmetics market after the essful experience in the beauty salon for over twenty years. By using the management principles from the ISO industry, the manufacture quality is guaranteed with the first-class technology, a professional research team, and a strict supervision system. Development and manufacture of skin care products O.E.M of skin care products O.D.M of skin care products Filling and packaging of skin care products Facial mask wholesale