青岛恒德电器有限公司位于中国 山东 青岛 紫荆路58号,主要经营范围是注塑加工,冲压加工,塑料制品,钣金制品,法人代表是姜仁善,法人代表是姜仁善,厂房面积是10000.00 平方米平方米,我公司成立于2002年六月,前身是国有企业,始建于1985年,有二十多年的加工经验,拥有一批经验丰富的管理人员和工程师.公司占地面积6万平方米,现有10000克以下注塑设备二十多台,冲压钣金设备五十多台,并拥有大型气辅设备,先进的双色注塑设备,承接各类注塑制品钣金制品的加工业务.公司已通过ISO9001和14001认证.完善的质量体系,严格的质量管理,优秀的产品,使我公司成为国内外知名大企业的供应商,如松下,LG等.我们真诚期待与国内外客户一起共创新天地.Our company was established in June 2002, formerly state-owned enterprise, was founded in 1985, has over 20 years experience in the processing, with a team of experienced managers and engineers. Company covers an area of 60,000 square meters, the existing injection equipment under 10,000 g more than 20 sets, fifty sets of stamping sheet metal equipment, and has a large gas-assisted equipment, advanced two-color injection molding equipment, to undertake the processing business of various types of plastic ,sheet metal products. The company has passed ISO9001 and 14001 certification. Perfect quality system, strict quality control, excellent products, we became well-known supplier of large enterprises, such as Panasonic, LG, Hitachi and so on. We sincerely look forward together with customers to create a new world.