深圳市富成魔术贴有限公司处在深圳市宝安区观澜街道松元荔城工業區,业务范围包括魔术贴尼龙搭扣,背胶魔术贴,PVC魔术贴,滑雪绑带,魔术贴扎带,背靠背魔术贴,粘扣布,不刷毛魔术贴,尼龙发卷,松紧带魔术,法人代表是向毅,法人代表是向毅,厂房面积是2500.00 平方米平方米,深圳市富成魔术贴有限公司是致力于研发、生产、销售为一体的魔术贴生产厂家.我们引进了先进机械设备,培养了一批高水平、高素质的生产管理队伍,并严格按照ISO-9001质量管理体系,为国内外用户提供了一流的魔术贴产品与服务. 我司产品符合环保ROHS出口欧盟标准,以其极具竞争力的价格,赢得大批知名客户信赖.我们以深圳、东莞为中心,辐射珠三角、香港、台湾等地区、销售网络已遍满国内外. 本着以质量求生存,信誉求发展,互惠互利的宗旨,我们将以完善的品质、准时的交货、公平的价格真诚为客户服务.愿同广大客户携手合作,共创美好明天!Fucheng Hook&Loop Co.,Ltd is specialized in production,selling and magic type research. We have advanced machinery equipment ,high quality production and high skillful management team.Our company is going on under ISO-9001 international quality system,we are maintaining the latest and advanced technology for products,our hooks&loops is unique and highly ording with the standards of Environmental Protection ROHS for exporting of European Union, we have many desirable famous customers on ount of our highly competitive price .We have huge customers base in China like center of Shenzhen,Dongguan City ,Hongkong ,Taiwai etc.As well we are getting popular in the universal market.