优致工艺制品有限公司位置在中国 广东 东莞 中国广东 东莞市 广东省东莞市虎门镇怀德大岭山,专业从事经营亚克力板材; 亚克力管材; 有机玻璃制品; 展示展览架; 奖牌奖座工艺礼品加工; 相框相架; 工艺礼品; PMMA制品;,法人代表是陈建伟,法人代表是陈建伟,年营业额是人民币700万元/年 - 1000万元/年,厂房面积是2000平方米,销售区域是全国各地,本公司拥有专业亚克力工艺制品、亚克力家居开发设计队伍!同时也从事开发设计木质工艺制品、水晶工艺等等......采用最新CNC雕刻机与激光切割机、严格要求做工工艺!以优异的质量和做工来赢得客户满意! 优致的承诺:为客户提供 优质--优雅--别致--的产品! 优致,以优制胜...... 优致,优雅、别致...... The Company has a professional acrylic products, acrylic design team to develop home! At the same time also engaged in the design of the development of wood products, crystal and so on ...... using the latest technology of CNC engraving machine and laser cutting machine, the strict requirements of technology to work! Outstanding quality and customer satisfaction to work to win! You letter of commitment: to provide customers with high quality - elegant - and unique - the product! You addressed in order to win better ...... You addressed, elegant, chic ......